Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Happy Holidays

This is my "Christmas Card" to all of my wonderful friends here on Blogland!.. a little oil painting from a few of my ornaments on my tree.   I wasn't going to put up a Christmas tree this year because I felt guilty that my neighborhood is so dark and will be for a long time because of Hurricane Sandy.  Last year this time, everyone had beautiful lights outside for the Holidays...this much darkness and sadness all around me...but I want to believe that by displaying some lights, it will brighten their day and give them hope.   I want to thank you all for all your support this year and look forward to seeing your work in 2013.  I have learned so much from all of you!!!  Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you all !!!


  1. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too, Hilda! Wonderful to spread some light in the darkness!

  2. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family. My heart goes out to those who are still suffering the long-reaching effects of the storm. I hope your decorations add a little brightness to their lives.

  3. Dear Hilda, life is always a strange mix of health and disease, joys and sorrows.
    It never happen , to me, to be completely in the light, although in my mind I try to avoid the darkness, sadness and fear for what could happen bad.
    I try to be optimistic and hopeful, to save every day moments of joy.
    I wish for me and for all,the sense of rebirth connected to Christmas and the New Year, could heal hearts, wounded from any loss. Merry Christmas,dear Hilda!Thank you for your warm friendship, Rita.

  4. Feliz Navidad, Hilda, para ti y los tuyos. Qué el próximo año te traiga lo mejor.
    Un abrazo fuerte

  5. Dear Hilda. I think you are being very sensible regarding your neighborhood. Wish you a Merry Christmas in spite of everything. xx

  6. Dear Hilda,

    What a wonderful card, and I am so happy you painted such a beautiful card with lovely colors .
    It is a sign of Hope, for better days to come and wonderful times of the past to be remembered. Well done Hilda.

  7. Thanks for taking the trouble to make this beautiful card especially in such a tough situation. God bless you all at this time.

  8. Thank you, Hilda - it is so kind of you to dedicate an origianl work of art as a card to your friends on the internet. I appreciate it tremendously as it gives me such a feelng of peace and hope. I am very proud of you for coming through all the devastation and heartbreak of Hurricane Sandy and forging ahead with the spirit of Christmas. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  9. Oh Hilda this is so beautiful!! A wonderful piece of magic you've captured here. :) Merry Christmas to you and yours my dear friend!!

  10. Thank you Hilda! A wonderful card!
    My heart goes out to all in NY and NJ!
    Hang tough! Courage counts as does hope!
    This card is the one of the best cards ever for any holiday!
    As the song goes, "We need a little Christmas. Right this very minute!"
    Happy Holidays to everyone!

  11. Wow I can feel the spirit of Christmas, merry Christmas ma'am! :)

  12. A beautiful painting to go along with some wonderful words. I feel the same--we learn so much from one another. I am grateful for our

  13. Hola Hilda, la pintura es muy bonita. Te deseo unas buenas fiestas y un año nuevo que te traiga mucha felicidad . Gracias por compartir.

    Un beso

  14. Hilda, I love this joyful little piece and hope that your decorations do indeed bring a bit of joy, hope, and cheer to your neighbors.

  15. It's beautiful Hilda! And I think you are right to put the lights up on the tree. It will remind everyone that there is light at the end of the tunnel :0)

  16. Querida Hilda,
    Eu também aprendi muito com você. E agradeço a Deus por ter conhecido seu blog, sua arte, seu talento, lindo!
    Quanto ao cartão, agradeço, recebi aqui, no coração...é muito fofo...
    Desejo que no Natal a verdadeira Luz do Mundo esteja presente no seu lar, em todos os lares de onde você mora....Jesus, Ele é a nossa verdadeira, forte luz!!
    Grata pelo carinho com o meu bloguinho, em breve minha águia estará de volta, pois há tempo para todas as coisas acontecerem....

  17. Hilda, thank you for 'spreading your sparkle'! You are truly a gem.

  18. Beautiful Hilda. It's lovely to get a x-mas card with the personal touch.
    Happy Holidays.

  19. A lovely painting Hilda. Thank you for your Christmas wishes. I wish you and your family and neighbours a very good and Happy Christmas and a brilliant new year. All the best Hilda.

  20. hoi Gomez ,
    mooi dat je het toch hebt gedaan , ik ga van avond een extra kaarsje branden voor de mensen die het nu in deze tijd nodig hebben.
    en bedankt voor je wensen, en voor jou het zelfde.
    groetjes Marja

  21. Oh Hilda, how lovely your painting is! Good for you to share the lights as they do reflect hope and happiness. My thoughts and prayers are with all of the hard-hit areas and the people who lost so much.
    Thank you for all you have done for all us bloggers out here that receive your wonderful encouraging emails, and for posting your own exquisite paintings which we hold in so much admiration. Have a truly wonderful season.

  22. Hola Hilda...te deseo también, feliz navidad y un año nuevo, que te traiga, sobre todo mucha fuerza y alegría a tu corazón
    Un Abrazo

  23. Wunderschönes Weihnachtsbild.
    Grüsse Dich;-)

  24. A wonderful painting Hilda. I do think you should let your Christmas spirit shine, I think it gives hope to others less fortunate this year. Merry Christmas to you <3

  25. Muchas gracias querida Hilda por tus buenos deseos y esa felicitación maravillosa que has pintado. Puede que haya oscuridad en la ciudad pero tu corazón irradia luz. He lamentado mucho el huracán que han padecido y espero que pronto se recuperen de esta desventura y el año próximo sea mucho más benigno para todos.
    Mis mejores deseos para ti y tu familia. Merry Christmas!

  26. Good evening Hilda!... As always is the case... myou display optimism and fortitude... even in the face of this terrible human tragedy!

    Your lovely painting elevates Christmas to an even higher... and more pure state... through your simple act of giving!

    Much appreciated... Warm and Glad tidings to you and yours!

    Good Painting and Merry Christmas!

    Warmest reagrds,

  27. Beautiful little painting, Hilda. I am so glad you put up some Christmas lights - I think it would give your neighbors hope. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas, and a blessed New Year.

  28. Olá, Hilda,
    Mais uma vez, eu por aqui, na sua casinha.
    Agradeço pela visitinha.
    Você viu, né, como a águia é linda?Meu animal preferido. Se eu pudesse, teria uma, em casa,e ficaria por horas contemplando a beleza, mas iria deixá-la livre, no quintal...rsss...
    Hilda, tenha um fim de semana abençoado, com muita paz, e muita arte!


  29. Olá, Hilda,
    Mais uma vez, eu por aqui, na sua casinha.
    Agradeço pela visitinha.
    Você viu, né, como a águia é linda?Meu animal preferido. Se eu pudesse, teria uma, em casa,e ficaria por horas contemplando a beleza, mas iria deixá-la livre, no quintal...rsss...
    Hilda, tenha um fim de semana abençoado, com muita paz, e muita arte!


  30. Happy Christmas Hilda, I hope next year will be better than this for you.

  31. lovely work hilda! Merry christmas to you and your family.

  32. Dear Hilda, Merry Christmas to you and to your family!! Your Cristmas card is wonderful. A big hug!

  33. Merry Christmas, Hilda! I love the art - no nice. I hope you have a great holiday.

  34. Happy Holidays to you and yours Hilda...this glowing piece has rich color and real charm!

  35. It is a beautiful festive painting you made Hidla, happy christmas and a very happy new year to you!

  36. A beautiful painting and a beautiful post, Hilda.

  37. Bless you, Hilda ...Light in our darkness. You are an inspiration to us all.

    Have a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful and productive New Year my dear friend.

  38. You are so very thoughtful!
    Merry Christmas Sweet Blogger Friend.

  39. Dear Hilda:) I hope the place around you will become as happy as it was before Sandy! I wish you and your family a very happy Christmas and a lot of blessings for 2013! I'm happy to have you as a blogfriend:)

  40. Molto bello il tuo dipinto, spero che di uragani non vengano piu!! Una felice giornata a te...ciao

  41. I love your attitude Hilda - you're obviously a very tough lady. Your posts lately have inspired me in more than the usual ways, counting my blessings. This is a great painting - I'm really impressed with the perspective you got on those little flowers on the ornaments. Great compo too! ♥

  42. Dear Hilda, I wish you a Christmas filled with much joy... I wish the beginning of 2013 is with great faith and hope.
    Merry Christmas. Happy New Year 2013!

  43. Gracias Hilda por tu generosidad!! Es un xmas card beautiful! Merry chrismas and happy new year! Hugs

  44. Wishing you blessings, especially at Christmas, Hilda!

  45. Beautiful painting.
    You have a beautiful and good soul through and through. I am inspired by your thoughtfulness towards others.
    Thank you for the year of lovely paintings and supportive comments. I treasure you.
    May you and those you love enjoy the Peace of Christmas and I know 2013 has to be a great year for you.

  46. Dear Hilda,

    This painting is so lovely. It pulls all of us into the Christmas spirit.
    A quick thank you for all the generous comments and supportive visits to my blog and shows. You are a very special lady.
    Have a very Merry Christmas may you and your family enjoy a very safe, and healthy New Year.
    Your friend,

  47. What a beautiful card Hilda. Happiest of Holidays and looking forward to seeing more of your work in the new year!

  48. Une très jolie peinture pour illustrer Noël... Un don très précieux pour chacun de nous, blogueurs...
    J'apprécie ta générosité et tes belles pensées envers ceux qui souffrent.
    En cette nuit de Noël je te souhaite de la douceur, de la joie et beaucoup d'amour... avec les tiens.
    A l'aube de la nouvelle année 2013, je rêve pour toi plein de bonnes choses... la réalisation de tous tes désirs... et aussi il va falloir mettre les bouchées doubles ! je veux voir encore plus de peintures !! alors au travail!
    Gros gros bisous et joyeuses fêtes;

  49. You give all of us light and hope through your paintings, Hilda. Don't stop. A Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  50. Love the painting, Hilda! The lights are a good idea.

    This is from 1 John 1:7 If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  51. Hola Hilda. Preciosa pintura.

  52. Voor jou ook Muxo Ik hoop voor jullie dat de opbouw gauw op gang komt met veel licht lieve groetjes Daniëlle

  53. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you, Hilda ; )

  54. Ciao Hilda,
    una bella immagine, calda e allegra per auguri simpatici!
    E anch'io ti faccio tanti auguri e sorrisi di simpatia!
    Ciao, abbracci, Floriana. Arrivederci nel 2013!

  55. a great christmas painting!!!!!
    …………*./ | \ .*
    ………, • '*♥* ' • ,
    ……. '*• ♫♫♫•*'
    ….. ' *, • '♫ ' • ,* '
    ….' * • ♫*♥*♫• * '
    … * , • Merry' • , * '
    …* ' •♫♫*♥*♫♫ • ' * '
    ' ' • . Chistmas . • ' ' 'dear Hilda
    ' ' • ♫♫♫*♥*♫♫♫• * ' '
    …………….♥ love,Christa♥

  56. Gracias Hilda. Te deseo a ti también, unas felices fiestas y un buen año 2013.

  57. Preciosa tu entrada amiga, ojalá el 2013 os traiga luz y prosperidad a tanta degracia vivida.Te deseo unas hermosas fiestas.Besitos

  58. Preciosa felicitación y una gran idea la de dar algo de luz a tanta oscuridad. Muchas gracias por compartirla.
    Hilda, tú sí que nos has dado una gran lección de fortaleza y de humanidad. Muchos ánimos y que pases unas felices fiestas con los tuyos. ¡¡Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo!! Besos.

  59. Querida Hilda e família:

    Porque um menino nos nasceu, um filho se nos deu, e o principado está sobre os seus ombros, e se chamará o seu nome: Maravilhoso, Conselheiro, Deus Forte, Pai da Eternidade, Príncipe da Paz. Isaías 9:6

    Que a noite de Natal e todos os dias de 2013 sejam iluminados pelas bênçãos de Jesus, com muita paz, amor, saúde e vitórias!! Agradeço a Deus pela sua vida...


  60. That's the spirit! I love your painting, joyful and colorful. Best wishes to you and your loved ones, Hilda. I hope tne coming Year will bring you all, peace and happiness! Big hugs

  61. Happy holidays! :)

  62. dear Hilda
    i wish you a happy new year without problems-)))

    ………….. ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
    ………….. ⋯ ✰ ⋯
    ………….. ⋰ ⋮ ⋱
    ……… …….*•♥•*
    …… ……. *♥♫♫♥*’.
    … …….. *♥•♦♫••♥*
    ……… *♥☺♥☺♥☺♥*
    ………*♥•♥#♠*♥#♥•♥* ‘
    ……..*♥♫♥♥♫♥♥♫♥♫* ‘
    ……*♥♥♣♫♥♣♥♥♣♥♫ ♣♥♥*’
    ….’*♥♥♣♥♫♥♥♫♥♥♫ ♥♣♥♥*’
    ♥:♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥: ♥:

  63. Hilda, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Beautiful ornaments painted by a beautiful person.
    I so appreciate your comments through the year. Hope your 2013 is a bright one.

  64. Hilda, I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas, and I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year. Thank you for following my blog, and for your very kind and supportive comments!

  65. Hi Hida,
    how are you doing?.
    Thanks a lot for following my blog and thanks for all your wonderful comments. Sometimes you make me to feel guilty for not following your blog properly.
    have a wonderful new year, this year will be with full of happiness and light in your community...:)

    take care
    your friend

  66. Hi Hilda.
    what a brilliant Painting, oils as well, fantastic. More Oils please Hilda. A very great New Year to you and family Hilda. All the best, and God bless.

  67. Hilda, I would like to wish a Happy New year to you and yours! Janet
