Monday, March 8, 2021


I took this photo of  Don last year at my Wednesday workshop.  It feels like so long ago... I miss going and hope we can all go back so we can all paint together again.   He was such a great model.  I used my Rembrandt and unison pastels for this portrait.   I hope you like him.


  1. Beautifully rendered fleshtones as always, Hilda! Your portraits never fail to delight. (Good job on the hand as well!)👏👏

    1. Thank you for such a generous comment Helene. SO appreciated!!! ❤️

  2. Gorgeous — WOW! Such a delicate and nice touch.

    1. Thank you Jo for visiting and for your generous comment. So appreciated!!!!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Judy! I appreciate that!!!! Sending hugs!!!

  4. I really love this portrait , great work on the eyes and the expression, he really looks real LOL, and the detail of the watch, just perfect ! Sending hugs.

    1. Awww! You’re always so kind Jane! Thank you SO much. Hugs!!!

  5. Hilda he is wonderful. The eyebrows and the way he holds his hand up to his face is just perfect. I do hope friend that you will be able to get together soon with others to paint. How we need that connection. Hugs!

    1. Thank you so much Debbie!!!! We’re still not getting together and I look forward to seeing them soon. This has been a crazy year!!!!

  6. A pleasure to always visit your blog Hilda, I see the works in facebokk, but visiting the blog is very enriching, seeing the quality of the portraits and the life it has is very pleasant.
    Happy weekend.
    Best regards

    1. Thank you Jose! You are SO kind and I appreciate your kind words. Hugs

  7. So real and with such personality - and as always, beautiful skin tones - beautifully done, Hilda!

    1. Thank you so much Connie. I’m glad you like him. He’s a great model and miss seeing him at class. Soon, I hope. Hugs

  8. Bonjour chère amie,
    Un excellent portrait. J'aime beaucoup l'expression de Don ton modèle... Je ne le connais pas mais je suis certaine qu'il t'a apporté beaucoup de plaisir à le travailler. Mes félicitations ma chère. J'espère que très bientôt tu pourras retrouver tes cours. Chez moi, dans le sud de la France, à partir de demain, nous serons à nouveau confinés pour 4 semaines... Je te souhaite plein de bonnes choses, prends bien soin de toi.
    Gros bisous

    1. Merci beaucoup mon ami. vous êtes toujours aussi gentil et j'apprécie vos paroles. Mes amis à l'atelier me manquent mais j'espère que nous pourrons nous réunir bientôt. Don est un modèle incroyable et peut-être qu'il peut à nouveau poser pour moi. Je reçois mon deuxième coup de covid mercredi et je suis un peu anxieux. un autre verrouillage en France est tellement bouleversant mais cela passera. rester bien. envoyer des câlins

  9. Hello Hilda,:=) Another superb work in pastels, Forgive me if I use a little artistic licence when I say this portrait reminds me of a Dutch sailor, on the deck of a ship, with mist surrounding him. Perhaps he's waiting for the mist to lift. Ha ha,!! I like the way you have done the veins in his hand.
    Beijos Xx
    I would love to see a portrait of your new dog.

    1. It’s funny but Don was in the Navy many moons ago. He’s such an amazing model and person. I’m glad you liked him. And yes, I will definitely paint Bambi. She lives to model as well.. lol
      Sending hugs!!

  10. A wonderful study. He looks pensive and wise.

    1. Thank you so much David... I appreciate you stopping by to comment!!!! I really enjoyed painting him!!

  11. Hello Hilda! Thank you so much for all the lovely comments you write on my blog. I totally appreciate them! I definitely see them!! They are there... I'm sorry you don't see them published under each of my posts... They are definitely there. Thanks for your time and Happy Painting. Your work is just remarkable! Nora

    1. Thank you so much Nora... google likes to play games with me sometimes!!! Lol glad you stopped by to comment!!!!!

  12. Fantastica expresión y los ojos de 10. Enhorabuena.

  13. Muchisimas gracias Olga!!! Tu eres muy amable. Lo agradezco tu palabras!!!!
    Un abrazo!!!

  14. Very good work, the lines of his facial expressions seem real.
    Happy weekend.
    Greetings from Indonesia.

    1. Thank you so much Himawan!!!! I appreciate your words.

  15. Your paintings are always so beautiful Hilda. I looked back through several posts. The horse from February 2020 is just stunning. I think I remember seeing that one on Facebook.

  16. Thank you for visiting my blog and for such a generous comment..I still post here but it seems everyone is going to FB. I still enjoy the blog... and I love to see everyone’s work here!!! Sending you a hug!!!
    Thank you again!!!

  17. Thank you for visiting my blog and for such a generous comment..I still post here but it seems everyone is going to FB. I still enjoy the blog... and I love to see everyone’s work here!!! Sending you a hug!!!
    Thank you again!!!

  18. Thank you for visiting my blog and for such a generous comment..I still post here but it seems everyone is going to FB. I still enjoy the blog... and I love to see everyone’s work here!!! Sending you a hug!!!
    Thank you again!!!

  19. Thank you for visiting my blog and for such a generous comment..I still post here but it seems everyone is going to FB. I still enjoy the blog... and I love to see everyone’s work here!!! Sending you a hug!!!
    Thank you again!!!

  20. Bonjour ma chère amie,

    Mille mercis pour ton gentil commentaire laissé sur mon dernier billet. Il me touche beaucoup. Tu as raison beaucoup publie sur Facebook et délaisse peu à peu les blogs. Je trouve dommage car les deux sont de bons supports mais différents... Je te fais de gros bisous. Prends bien soin de toi,

    1. Thank you Martine. Having so much problems with my blog... hopefully I’ll be able to fix it ... this is why so many of us are leaving. So sad.

  21. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Ash! I hope and pray you’re feeling better!!!!

  22. Thank you for visiting my blog Hilda. I'm in awe at this portrait. Your work always leave me awestruck ... I just don't know how you do it. Amazing!!!

    1. Thank you so much John. I feel the same when I visit your blog. Your work is incredibly beautiful.

  23. Thank you SO much. So appreciated!!!!!

  24. Merci ma chère amie pour ton adorable commentaire laissé sur mon blog... Gros bisous

    1. I love visiting your blog and seeing your newest work, Martine!!! My pleasure. Enjoy this beautiful August day!!! Hugs

  25. I’m having problems posting here and until I figure things out I’ll be on Facebook… I hope you find me there. I love blogging and will do my best to stay here and I will still visit all of you ..😘

  26. I just found you. Hopefully you will see this and leave a comment on my new blog Trying to reach fellow bloggers. Hugs

  27. Hello Hilda, It has been a long time since you have posted. I hope all is well with you and your family.x
