Saturday, June 13, 2015


Amy just passed away a few days ago at the age of 4 and my daughter wanted me to paint a portrait of her so she can present it to her friend who is mourning this beautiful golden retriever.
I will be taking a break from painting, and blogging for a month or so because I have a bad case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which is so incredibly painful and it gets worse when I type or even paint!   It's very upsetting because we don't realize how much we use our hands until the moment we "can't".  Wearing a brace helps a little bit...any input is appreciated.  I'm typing with my left hand right now..(not easy)  Thank you so much for your comments.
I'll be back soon.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Rembrandt Study

This is my first portrait in oils.  And what a challenge it was!
I don't know how you all paint with oils! lol...I had so many problems mixing colors.  I decided to paint a self-portrait of one of my favorite Artist - Rembrandt.  As you know, he painted so many self-portraits and since I love his style I used this as a study for my next oil portrait.   The title is "Self portrait with a Gorget".   I was curious to know what a Gorget's the Armor that protects the throat and shoulders.   I learn something every day!